WWU ClassFinder

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A *NEW* and improved class search tool, Browse Classes, is now available in the updated Web4U: Browse Classes at WWU

Refer to the course delivery method, time, and location for more information.
Face-to-FaceCourses taught through regularly scheduled, in-person class meetings. Refer to the Time and Location for meeting times and room information.
HybridCourses taught with a hybrid of Face-to-Face and Online instruction. (In-person meetings are required, but less face-to-face time is included in the regular course schedule, replaced by alternative instruction methods including online instruction). At least 25 percent of instructional time will be face-to-face. Refer to the Time and Location for meeting times and room information.
OnlineCourses taught online. They may be structured as synchronous, asynchronous, or a mix of the two. Note: some online classes are offered in a manner that requires extra fees (noted in red in search results).
  • Synchronous: Online courses structured with designated meeting dates and times. Refer to the course Time information for arranged meeting times.
  • Asynchronous: Online courses structured with no specific meeting day/time.
  • Mixed Mode: Online courses structured in a blend of Online - Synchronous and Online - Asynchronous delivery methods. Refer to the course Time information for arranged meeting days/times.

Term: GUR Attributes:
Other Attributes: Delivery Methods/Site Attributes:
Subject: Instructor:
Days: Mon
Course Number:
Begin: Hour
End: Hour
Open Sections Only: Yes
Credit Hours:

For registration or advising assistance, contact Western's
Academic Advising & Student Achievement Center in Old Main 387
or by calling 360-650-3100 or emailing advising@wwu.edu.
For class meeting location, login to Browse Classes by clicking the link here.